

WikiLeaks brings truth to the world by publishing fact-based stories without fear or favour. You can help support our independent media by donating financially.

Our organisation exists because of the work of many volunteers who have contributed thousands of hours to building WikiLeaks from the ground up. You choose how much you can donate; we don’t recommend any particular amount. Just do what you think is right.

Your donations are vital to pay for Wikileaks’ servers and infrastructure, staff and travel expenses, and for the legal protections and advice Wikileaks needs to operate.

There are different ways to donate to the WikiLeaks Defence Fund and WikiLeaks the organisation.

WikiLeaks Legal Defence Fund

PayPal, Visa and Mastercard

When you donate to the Defence Fund you will see the text: ’ConnectionPoint Systems Inc. (’

Bank Transfer

“FSI - Julian Assange Defence Fund”
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IBAN: GB86 BARC 2077 6793 8424 52

Via Postal Mail

You can post a donation or send a cheque via good old fashion postal mail made payable to:

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179 Great Portland Street


xipwire - Donations via Cell Phone Text Message and Credit Card (US Only)

Bank Transfer - Option 1: via Sunshine Press Productions ehf:

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Bank Transfer - Option 2: via the not-for-profit Wau Holland Stiftung Foundation (audited by the German Tax Authority):

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Bank: Commerzbank Kassel
German BLZ: 52040021
Subject: WIKILEAKS / WHS Projekt 04

Via Postal Mail

You can post a donation via good old fashion postal mail to:

WikiLeaks (or any suitable name likely to avoid interception in your country)
BOX 4080
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Victoria 3052

We cannot accept PayPal donations direct to our WikiLeaks account anymore.

And here is why

Nor can we accept online transfers via credit cards via Visa and MasterCard directly any more either.

And here is why


After donating you can help spread the word by sending your friends a T-Shirt. Please visit the only official WikiLeaks shop to browse the many gifts available.

Also if for some reason you can not send us money using the regular donation system this is a way to help.

All profits go to WikiLeaks





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